Dissolve the honey, pour in the sugar and cook while stirring until the honey turns brown. Whip the egg whites and then, stirring constantly, pour the syrup into it in a thin stream. Put the vessel on a lower heat and cook the mixture, stirring constantly. Coarsely chop the nuts. When the mixture thickens, pour the nuts into it and immediately pour it onto a large sheet of greased or waxed paper. Cover the mass on top with the same sheet of paper and press down firmly. Then carefully cut it into small pieces.



35 dag of honey,

30 dag of sugar,

whites of five eggs,


Boil honey, sugar and milk, stirring, until the mass thickens. The mass is ready when poured into cold water and easily forms into balls. Pour the hot mass onto buttered plates. When the mass begins to set, it is cut into pieces and wrapped in parchment paper. To make chocolate caramels, add a tablespoon of chocolate to the hot mass.



35 dag of honey,

20 dag sugar,

3 tablespoons of milk or cream

Prepare a syrup from sugar, as for frying jam, add honey to it and simmer, all the while taking off the foam. When the sample hardens quickly, the syrup is ready. Wet the plates with water or line them with paper and pour the hot syrup on them, in which you immediately need to make indentations (cuts). After it has hardened and cooled, remove the mass from the platesand break along the indentations into pieces. Store the landraces in a dry place, sprinkled with powdered sugar.



30 dag of honey,

90 dag of granulated sugar

Boil the honey and drop the nuts into it. Boil the mixture until it comes away from the saucepan (the saucepan should be aluminum or stainless steel). To check if the mixture is already cooked, pour a little of the mixture on paper and put it in a cool place; if it solidifies, it is ready: The solidified mixture must be so hard that you can chop it with a knife.



35 dag of honey,

3 cups of shelled nuts

Boil the honey over low heat for 40 minutes to evaporate the water. Pour poppy seeds thoroughly washed with hot water into the hot honey and cook until the poppy seeds begin to stick to the spoon. Pour the cooked, thick mass, which solidifies when cooled, onto a board moistened with water, spread evenly and cut into squares or rhombuses. During cooking, you can add some chopped nuts to the mixture.




Poppy seeds       

Equal amounts

Veronica's grandmother's recipes


ul. Żołnierzy I Armii Wojska Polskiego 10 / B6,

81-383 Gdynia,



Office e-mail: biuro@pasiekadziadka.pl

Orders e-mail: info@pasiekadziadka.pl

Phone:  +48 530 303 053

Honey Lab sp. z o.o.

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